D mail

Actual letters I have written and the actual responses I have received. Enjoy!

Location: Burnaby, British Columbia, Canada

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Pepsi Letter

August 16, 1995

Pepsi-Cola Ltd
1255 Bay St.
Toronto, Ont
M5R 2A9

Dear carbonated conglomerate,

I love Pepsi! In fact all the guys in my dorm think Pepsi is the greatest (we set up an impromptu Pepsi altar of perilously balanced empties)! You may wonder why fourteen guys choose Pepsi over Coke (spew!) or any of it's competitors? One word: BURPABILITY! (Is that a word?)

Yes, we held a contest to discover which cola had the best BPC rating (Belches Per Can), and Pepsi-Cola won hands down! It was so decisive a victory that we would like to collectively offer a name change recommendation from Pepsi-Cola to "Burpsi-Cola"!

Please write back and let us know what you think. In the meantime, if you keep producing we'll keep chugging!

For a bigger and better BPC,
Dairn M Peters
PS Could you send a cool cap or t-shirt (XL) for Bob? He got Pepsi up his nose and it really stung! Thanks a lot!


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