D mail

Actual letters I have written and the actual responses I have received. Enjoy!

Location: Burnaby, British Columbia, Canada

Thursday, July 14, 2005

NASA Letter (1)

January 13, 1996

Johnson Space Center
2101 NASA Road 1
Houston, Texas

Dear space guys,

I'm not exactly sure who to write to, but I needed to get a hold of the NASA people somehow. I just loved the movie Apollo 13! Even though the actual event took place before I was born, the earth-shattering-edge-of-your-seat-hair-raising-hold-your-breath-til-you-puke excitement of the story somehow BECAME A PART OF ME (I was in my mother's womb at the time of the incident, so, through osmosis, I felt the worldwide concern reaching the very depths of my recently conceived being.... or something like that). I know that Hollywood made the film, but you people truly deserve the credit for the fine human drama involved. I offer my sincere congratulations for your great work every day (air traffic controllers think they have pressure, ha! Try bringing in a screaming chunk of metal from outer space!), and my personal thanks for the influence that "Mission Control" has made in my life (I realize that most of you had nothing to do with Apollo 13, but I've come to think of you all as cosmically related to that almost ill-fated occurrence, and mutually intertwined with the lives of those who were actually there.... or something like that).

However, "Houston, we have a problem" (of course, I've always wanted to say that). My son, Buzz, absolutely LIVES to watch space travel movies like Apollo 13, The Right Stuff and Plan 9 From Outer Space, and so for his birthday I'd love to get him an official NASA cap. Do you have one lying around that you could send? It would mean a lot to me if it is possible! My own dream would be to one day travel in the space shuttle. Are there any openings? I'm in pretty good physical shape, I've learned how to urinate in a pickle jar (is that part of the training?), and having a Canadian aboard couldn't hurt political situations either. Please write back and let me know how things are going down in the heart of the space program.

Thanks in advance to your response to my questions, I appreciate you taking the time to answer a die hard fan.

To Infinity And Beyond! (or something like that),
Dairn M Peters
PS I own the Star Wars trilogy. (I thought this information might make it easier for you to narrow down your shuttle passenger selections!)


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