D mail

Actual letters I have written and the actual responses I have received. Enjoy!

Location: Burnaby, British Columbia, Canada

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

CFOX Letter (2)

October 3, 1997

CFOX - Manager/President/CEO
1006 Richards St.
Vancouver, BC
V6B 1S8

Dear radio rebels,

I'm a loyal Fox listener, yet I feel like I'm being treated like a CFMI listener! Yuck! I wrote a letter to you over two months ago (71 days ago to be exact), but I have had no reply. Is this what all former Canadian Bull Riding Champions deserve? I think not! Maybe if you were aware of my tour of duty in Vietnam (head chef of "Bravo" platoon for 3 weeks) I would garner a bit more respect, but I don't think even my sacrifice for the free world (lost use of my belly button) would have an impact on your customer service policies, would it?

My first letter (copy enclosed for your perusal) posed a simple question regarding the suspect placement of a specific radio advertisement on your station one morning (on my way to work to tighten bolts on the Lion's Gate Bridge). My friend Li-Li has been trying to coax me back to the "dark side" (JR Country) since the day I told her about my letter and lack of response. I don't know if I can hold out much longer! Please take time to read my letter and mail a response. I really want to believe that you'll satisfy this long time listener and keep me from slipping back into the demonic vortex known as Country & Western.... aaaaaaauuuuughhhh!!!!!

Please accept my deepest apologies if your reply is already in the mail or if you did not receive my first letter due to our fantastic postal service. God bless.

Aldo Nova gets no respect,
Dairn M Peters
PS Is it possible to get an autographed photocopy of Larry & Willy's collective read ends for my country-crazed friend? Also an autographed picture of Bill & Erin for my daughter Leesa and a cap for my adopted son, Benny? That'd be great!


Blogger Stever said...

If you write 'The Beat' it might not be such a good idea to ask for a cap for your bastard son Benny --- 'cap' in ebonics means 'to shoot with a gun'.. that is, unless that's what you're asking The Fox to take care of.

5:22 PM  

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