D mail

Actual letters I have written and the actual responses I have received. Enjoy!

Location: Burnaby, British Columbia, Canada

Monday, June 27, 2005

ICBC Reply

August 17, 1998

Dear Dairn M Peters:

Thank you for your letter of July 20, 1998.

I regret any distress the RoadSense message on the bottom of your Notice to Renew may have caused you. You will be pleased to learn that this message is included on every Notice to Renew, which are regularly sent out to thousands of ICBC policyholders throughout British Columbia. In this regard, you have not been singled out in any way. I hope this information relieves the feelings of personal pressure you described in your letter.

To answer your questions, in order:

1. No, ICBC believes that each individual driver must take responsibility for driving in a safe and sensible way. It is reassuring to be informed that your father and wife Stella have taken this message to heart. Perhaps if others had shown some "RoadSense", you would not have suffered the regrettable loss of your family pets.

2. Yes, your insurance rates remain lower than otherwise. If everyone gets the RoadSense message, they will go down even further, with a corresponding decrease in injuries and fatalities. As a young married man, I am sure the prospect of a long, healthy life means as much to you as any monetary benefits.

3. As you suggest, I am disregarding the question that refers to your criminal record.

Given your keen interest in this topic, I am pleased to enclose a RoadSense hat for you. As well, to thank your father and your wife for their support, I have also included two RoadSense t-shirts for them. As you might imagine, our hundreds of community supporters and volunteers wear these shirts and hats with a great deal of pride - and I hope in time, you will, too.


Thom M. Thompson
President and Chief Executive Officer


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