D mail

Actual letters I have written and the actual responses I have received. Enjoy!

Location: Burnaby, British Columbia, Canada

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Players Tobacco Letter (2)

July 15, 1998

ATTN: President/CEO
Players Tobacco Ltd
3810 St. Anthony
Montreal, PQ
H4C 1B5

Dear tobacco trader,

Our wonderful postal service strikes again! I am assuming you did not receive my previous letter dated May 27th, as I have not heard from you yet. Please forgive me if you did indeed receive my initial epistle and are in the process of responding. I am in a little bit of a hurry because I'd like to be a full-fledged Players smoker before the Indy comes to Vancouver in September (then I could hang out with the Players Racing Team - I am one of the finalists to drive the pace car again this year!).

Anyhow, I thought I should give you another opportunity to respond to my inquiries before I write to another company and pledge my smoking alliegance to them. So here I am, with a copy of my previous correspondance enclosed, just in case you didn't receive it. Thank you for your time in answering my 3 requests (more fully explained on other page):

(1) What is more irritating than Player's Premium? (maybe reruns of "Who's The Boss?")
(2) What are the positives involved with smoking?
(3) Will I be banished to eternal damnation for smoking?

Thanks again for your response to these questions. I look forward to hearing from your company and joining the legions of other fine Players Tobacco smokers in the world!

Smoke on the water (Deep Purple),
Dairn M Peters
PS Did David Letterman really give up cigars???


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