D mail

Actual letters I have written and the actual responses I have received. Enjoy!

Location: Burnaby, British Columbia, Canada

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Players Tobacco Letter (1)

May 27, 1998

Players Tobacco Ltd
3810 St. Anthony
Montreal, PQ
H4C 1B5

Dear cigarette czars,

I am not a smoker, but many of my friends are. They seem to really enjoy the social aspect of sitting with friends, smoking a Player's Premiere, and shooting the breeze (or puffing it, actually). When in the company of my friends, I have often felt like an outsider to their clique of filtered bliss. So, I am considering taking up the dying art of smoking! My friends commend me in my endeavour and are giving me plenty of advice, but I decided to write to the professionals... you! Please, if possible, respond to my novice (naive?) questions.

First of all, I read on a pack of Players matches that Player's Premiere has "full flavour, less irritation." It sounds as though the ad is guaranteeing me irritation, but less than something else. However it doesn't explain what would be more irritating. How about nails on a chalkboard? Or maybe a dog barking while I'm trying to sleep? Or the Canadiens being defeated by the Buffalo Sabres in the playoffs? Maybe you can calm my fears on this one.

Another question I have is about the benefits to smoking. I sure hear a lot about the cons, but what are the pros? A lot of people smoke, so there must be some good reasons (asking my friends, I couldn't really get a straight answer). If you could send me a list, that would be great!

My last question is maybe a little tougher to answer, but I'd love your professional opinion. Will I go to Hell (or Hades) for smoking? I know a lot of church-going types really think smoking is kinda evil or something, but then at my brother-in-law's church, it seems like everybody smokes! What's your definitive answer to this one???

Thank you so much for taking the time to answer my questions. I am willing to make a good go of it once I've received your reply. Could you send me an XL t-shirt or a cap? That would be great, thanks again (merci).

Smoke 'em if you got 'em,
Dairn M Peters


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